Sunday, January 3, 2010

Beautiful Bride-Body of Christ

Today was so beautiful.

Two very precious friends of mine bound their hearts together in marriage.
It was beautiful.
Absolutely Beautiful.
It wasn't overly elaborate,
It was held in a theater where the groom does a lot of dance performances,
and everyone brought food in contribution to the reception,
everything very sentimental.

I haven't mentioned, I live near an urban Mennonite community where we belive in living peacefully, simply, and in community. I'm planning on moving into one of the community houses after graduation but I'll elaborate more on that later on in my blogging experiences. It was two members of our community that got married.

The bride was so beautiful, I nearly cried as she walked down the aisle, and the groom took her hand...
They looked into each others eyes... I knew they were right... I knew they were forever....
They engaged in an intimate foot washing ceremony... the vulnerability they allow...

By the end of the ceremony we were all crying or near tears.....

The ceremony was not only a ceremony of their love, but a reflection on everyone in our congregation and community as how we are all bound to each other in love and we all are to help each other, contribute to each other, and we are all one body.

 I've worried a lot lately,
that I won't be able to have a healthy loving relationship considering the example I have to live with in my parents. I worried that my parents divorce would be a neverending cycle, and if I got married I'd end up the same way...

But no....

looking at the two of them tonight I knew...

My parents were not truly in love.

It's not a selfish petty take all for yourself,
It's an ultimate giving up yourself for others,
becoming a servant,
allowing vulnerability,
and becoming one body.

If one part of the body is sick,
the entire body is sick.

I'm learning so much about love lately.....

I want to live in the ways of love.

Love is verb.

I love you in the name of the man I mimic, Jesus Christ.


Leave some Love.
And that doesn't necessarily mean you have to be nice about it; Be Honest.

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