Friday, October 15, 2010

Rah Rah Ah Ah Riah!

Hey I'm Riah! I'm 18 and a First Year college student. I'm born and raised from Minnesota and I love it like words cannot describe! So to start off my blog I'm going to post 15 random facts about myself!

1. My favorite color is Purple! And no, not strictly because of the Vikings because I wear purple year round. It fits my personality perfectly because Purple is wild and intense and bold but also at the same time it can be calm and cool and collected.

2. I have the most odd taste in music. I love stuff such as Owl City, Miniature Tigers, or Maudlin, and then I'll listen to Usher, Lady Gaga and N'Sync. You really can just never know what to expect what's going to come up next on my playlist. However, my current music obsession is Cloud Cult and the title of my blog is actually a Cloud Cult song and so is my URL name thing. (A Girl Underground, and 2x2x2)

3.I'm the oldest of four children. I have a sister who is 14 named "Chacha" who is in her first year of High School right now, a brother named "Zeik" who is 12 years old, and a baby sister I call "Libby" who is 10 years old. Even though they can get on my LAST nerve I've sacrificed a lot for my love for these kids even though they can be brats sometimes.

4. I'm double majoring in English and Biology but I may switch to double minoring with Education and Biology. I have yet to decide yet what I'm doing with all that except I know I want to be a teacher. I've always loved teaching and I want that to be what I do with my life. I love children a lot.

5. I collect stuffed Panda Bears! I love panda's sooo much and I have no idea why because it's a little strange of me but I just really love Panda bears a lot!

6. I like to play sports! Soccer and Football are my top favorite sports but I'm really interested in getting into Rugby. I just need to figure out how ha ha. I'm really aggressive and competitive and I am not very good at sports but I just love playing.... Love it more when I win. :)

7. The reason I live in Minnesota officially is because the Twins beat the Braves in the World Series back in '91. My dad is from Georgia and my mother is from here in Minnesota. They met and married My parents were already sorta planning to move to Minnesota but had not fully decided on it just yet. So, my parents placed a bet. Whoever won the world series would be the state they'd officially choose to live in. I am a Braves fan because I'm glad they lost because I love Minnesota. I know they threw that game on purpose.

8. I'm really affectionate. I love hugs and holding hands and playing with hair and just being cuddly! It's probably one of my favorite things ever! I'm just cuddly <3

9. One time, in my freshman year of high school I had just transferred schools and I accidentally took the wrong bus on like my 2nd day and I ended up at the wrong school. I had to call my parents and have my dad pick me up from the wrong High school and take to to the right one. It was really embarrassing.

10. I like attention. I can't stand feeling like I"m ignored or put down or like my opinion doesn't matter. I like to matter and be included. I Know that sounds like really weird or whatever but I just kinda don't like to be excluded.

11. I can almost entirely recite the movie Mean Girls for you. It is the most AMAZING movie to ever exist! It is basically my entire senior year which isn't such a good thing but it just makes the movie even better.

12. I'm learning, slowly, to speak Hmong. I have a lot of friends that are Hmong and so if you don't know how to speak any of the language you tend to get lost a lot in conversation because everyone swtiches between languages. Actually, it's weird for me to be in class or at school and the conversation not switch from English to some other language. I actually understand everything said in conversations now.

13. I'm really into astrology. I love to study star signs and things such as that and I can figure out a lot about a person just from knowing their birth date because I actually believe they are fairly accurate. I'm a Cancer sign so if you know what that means you can go ahead and start to figure out a lot about me. I have a strange attraction to Virgo males. I'm not sure how that happens but I just am. I seem to always surround myself with them or fall for them.

14. I like to play Piano and Guitar even though I'm not very good at either but I hope to learn and get better soon.

15. I was home schooled through 3rd grade, went to a Charter school from 4th until 6th, and then I went to an Online school, then I went to a Private Lutheran school and then a suburban public school then graduated from an inner city school. I have a diverse educational background.

Okay! That is 15 random facts all about me! Next blog post shall occur soon!



  2. it's awesome that you're learning hmong! i wanted to when i was younger but i never did. how's it going?


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